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Beijing Maohua Polyurethane Building Materials Co.,Ltd.

Product Brands

Mark Product Name Range of Application
HD-DB-10 Rigid PU foam system for injection Pipe insulation, insulation panel for small sized coldroom
HD-DB-10P Rigid PU foam system for sandwich panels used in cold storage Discontinuous production of sandwich panels for cold storage and other PU construction
HD-DB-10B Rigid PU foam system without CFC11 sandwich panels without CFC11 for cold storage and other PU construction
HD-DB-20 Rigid PU foam system for refrigerator insulation Insulation of refrigerators and water heaters by injection method
HD-DB-20B Rigid PU foam system without CFC11 Insulation of Refrigerators and water heaters without CFC11 by injection method
HD-DB-150 High temperature resistant rigid PU foam system High temperature resistant pipes,disinfection cabinets
HD-DB-30 Rigid PU foam system for spraying Spray insulation for buildings or tanks
HD-DB-40I Rigid PIR foam system for continuous production of sandwich panels continuous production of sandwich panels for PU construction
HD-DB-40II Rigid PU foam system for continuous production of sandwich panels Continunous production of sandwich panel for PU construction
HD-HR-8610TM High resilience cold cure moulding PU foam systems Automobile, furniture seats, cushions, motors, bicycle saddles
HD-HR-8610M High resilience cold cure moulding PU foam systems Automobile, furniture seats, cushions, motors, bicycle saddles
HD-HR-8620 Semi-hot moulding plastic soft PU foam systems automobiles, furnitures
HD-IS-8710 Integral skin polyurethane foam systems automobile steering wheels, armrests,cushions, toys
HD-IS-8720 Integral skin polyurethane foam systems without CFC11 automobile steering wheels, armrests,cushions, toys
HD-AF-5188 PU foam systems for air filter automobile filter seal
HD-SM-8870 PU adhesives for sandwich panels adhesives for EPS and mineral wool sandwich panels
HD-AW-8880 Semi-rigid PU foam systems imitation wood furnitures, decorative-wall cornices and picture frames
HD-315 Polyester Polyol - for soft PU foam system including CPU, TPU, adhesives and coating
- for rigid PU foam system including PIR
HD-PM-8860 PU foam systems for packing for package of computer, instrument and apparatus, ceramics, etc.
HD-SR-8890 Semi-rigid PU foam systems automobile instrument panel, sun shield, pillow fillings
HD-61 Slow resilience PU foam systems toys, artware accessories